roof rat in south carolina

Everything You Need To Know About Roof Rats In South Carolina

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The exterior of your home is your first line of defense against pests. Any damage to windows, doors, vents, panels, or other features may result in weak spots that creatures will utilize to get indoors. Addressing these problems is a great way to prevent a potential pest invasion. The lower a weak spot is, the easier it is to address. Roof rats often enter homes through weak spots high off the ground and too hard to reach. This makes them hard to control. In this article, we will share information about these pests, including what they look like, why they invade homes, how they get indoors, what problems they cause, and the best way to get and keep them out. Reach out to your Harris Pest Control team if you have seen a rat inside your home. We will answer any questions about our services and help you schedule an appointment to remove rats from your property.

What are roof rats?

Roof rats are a species of rat that are smaller and thinner than Norway rats. They have a long body and a thick tail, and their fur is usually black or brown with a lighter-colored underside. If you see a rat in your home that fits this description, it might be a roof rat rather than a mouse, which is considerably shorter and has a different body shape. If you're not sure what kind of rodent you're dealing with, it's best to get a pest inspection to identify the problem.

The reason roof rats invade homes in the Pee Dee & Grand Strand regions

All pests need food to survive. Roof rats are no different. What sets these pests apart is their ability to survive inside homes. They steal food from floors, tables, and pantries, build nests inside wall voids, attics, and crawl spaces, and collect water from leaky faucets and other sources of moisture. They can also live in a home without getting any food or liquids from the interior. Infestations start when roof rats find weak spots in the exterior of homes and either squeeze or chew their way indoors.

How roof rats get inside

Roof rats can get into a home through holes, gaps, or cracks that are as little as half an inch in diameter. They can enter through open doors or squeeze through gaps around wires, pipes, or light fixtures. If the entry point is too small, they might use their sharp teeth to make it bigger. They can chew through wood, plastic, vinyl, and drywall and even scrape away at concrete. However, if there are no gaps, cracks, or openings, they will be less likely to invade.

Problems associated with roof rats

It is highly recommended to keep rodents out of our homes as they tend to possess several unhygienic habits. For instance, roof rats have a tendency to consume decayed meat, crawl through sewage and engage in other unsanitary activities. If a roof rat invades our home, it may lead to the spread of diseases among us and our family members.

Roof rats are carriers of disease and can spread them through their feces, urine, and saliva. They can also carry fleas and ticks on their bodies. Although they can bite humans, it is rare. However, they can cause damage to your property by gnawing on walls and food boxes. They also use materials like clothing, books, and insulation to build their nests, which can result in further destruction.

The longer you live with rodents, the more likely you will start to see these problems. To avoid roof rat infestations, consider professional rodent control.

The best way to deal with a roof rat infestation

Living rodent-free is a good feeling. If you suspect that your home in South Carolina has a rat infestation, don't worry. Harris Pest Control has offices in Florence, Kingstree, and Myrtle Beach. We offer effective rodent control services throughout the Pee Dee and Grand Strand regions. When you contact us for help in getting rid of roof rats or other rodents, we will:

  • Perform a free rodent inspection
  • Develop and implement a customized rodent control plan
  • Issue you a 30-day rodent control guarantee

Our pest control company, which is both locally owned and operated by family, provides not only stand-alone rodent control services, but also home pest control plans. These plans are designed to tackle various common household pests such as American cockroaches, spiders, and fire ants as well as mice and rats.

Check out our plans and pricing below or give a call to find out how our team of pest control specialists can handle rodents – or any other pests that are plaguing your property!

Pest Control
Home Pest Control
Starting at: $3900 A Month

*Terms and Conditions apply. 

Year-Round Pest Control
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Plan Covers 20+ Pests
Exterior Perimeter Pest Treatment
Exterior Spider De-webbing (up to 15’)
Indoor Pest Treatments (as needed or upon request)
Fire Ant Control (within 25' of your home)
Termite Control with Sentricon Always Active
Termite Service Warranty
Seasonal Mosquito Misting Treatments
Pest & Termite
Intelligent Choice
Starting at: $6900 A Month

*Terms and Conditions apply. 

Year-Round Pest Control
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Plan Covers 21+ Pests
Exterior Pest Treatments
Exterior Spider De-webbing (up to 15')
Indoor Pest Treatments (as needed or upon request)
Fire Ant Control (within 25' of the house)
Termite Control with Sentricon Always Active
Termite Service Warranty
Seasonal Mosquito Misting Treatments
Intelligent Choice Plus
Starting at: $9900 A Month

*Terms and Conditions apply. 

Year-Round Pest Control
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Plan Covers 22+ Pests
Exterior Pest Treatments
Exterior Spider De-webbing (up to 15')
Indoor Pest Treatments (as needed or upon request)
Fire Ant Control (within 25' of the house)
Termite Control with Sentricon Always Active
Termite Service Warranty
Seasonal Mosquito Misting Treatments

Interested In Adding Moisture Control?

At Harris Pest Control, our 50+ years of industry experience have taught us that no two homes are the same.
If you're searching for a residential plan that includes a yearly moisture service, we've got you! 

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